Sevendale House has partnered with the Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust Charity this Christmas, with the aim of treating the children in the hospital’s care to special gifts. Tenants are encouraged to join in by donating gifts for those aged 0-16, with an even split in ages and between boys and girls.
Sevendale House will also be raising funds towards the charity’s ONE BIG TOY appeal, in order for the hospital to build a multi-sensory room which will enable them to make a difference to every child every single day, not just the children that are well enough to play with the donated toys this Christmas.
Tenants are encouraged to donate towards the charity in any way they can, a bake sale will also take place, in the hopes of raising even more money towards this great cause.
Philip J Davies (Holdings) plc will match whatever is donated by Sevendale House tenants, let’s make a difference in some children’s lives this Christmas.